We offer several convenient delivery options to support your professional development goals in a way that best meets your learning style.



These methods require trainees to leave their workplace and concentrate their entire time towards the training objectives. Nowadays, off-the-job training methods have become popular due to the limitations of on-the-job training methods such as facilities, work environment, or lack of group discussions which usually inhibits full participation among the trainees from different disciplines. Therefore, the development of trainees in off-the-job methods become the top priority while everything else is secondary.



Enhance your career possibilities. Explore overseas training courses to gain international experience and expertise in various fields. Enhance your career with global training opportunities.



EMT has a long history of delivering online training courses. We offer engaging, interactive, and flexible online solutions so leaders can remotely access our top-of-the-range learning and development opportunities, taught by our expert consultants in the Oil & Gas industry.



Enhance your career possibilities. Explore overseas training courses to gain international experience and expertise in various fields. Enhance your career with global training opportunities.